Sweeney Todd Tickets

Whether in search of Sweeney Todd tickets for the production on Broadway or the touring edition, Coast to Coast Tickets is an incredible and invaluable resource for theatergoers. Coast to Coast has the most affordable options for seats throughout those venues, allowing devoted fans to enjoy this truly impressive and critically-acclaimed production.
Find your seats soon because casting changes are always on the horizon for the Broadway show, and the touring production will only be staying in a city for a limited engagement. Opportunities to enjoy Sweeney Todd are rare, and Coast to Coast Tickets wants to make sure you do not miss the show before the final curtain call.
Sweeney Todd Tickets 866 535 5167

Sweeney Todd History

Sweeney Todd is the macabre musical tale of a barber bent on revenge. This masterpiece is set in shadowy Victorian England where Sweeney Todd, the demon barber, hooks up with his intrepid neighbor, Mrs. Lovett, who runs the downstairs pie shop to seek his revenge on his customers. They carry out a delightful plan to murder some of London's wealthier residents and serve them up as meat pies. If you are enchanted by the morbid and insane, you'll want tickets to the revival of Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

The original run of Sweeney Todd won eight Tony Awards, one for Best Musical in 1979. Steven Sondheim was the brains behind this musical, writing the music and lyrics for the show. Sondheim won the Tony Award for Best Original Score. This musical thriller will have you on the edge of your seat, biting your fingernails from the suspense. You will be listening to 'The Ballad of Sweeney Todd,' 'No Place Like London,' 'The Barber and his Wife,' and 'The Worst Pies in London.' These are frightfully entertaining songs, rife with sinister humor and baleful warning.

So if you haven't experienced this dark tale you'll want to get tickets to see Sweeney Todd. If you have, you know how enthralling this musical really is and won't be able to deny yourself tickets to this impeccable revival. Bring your friends but please leave the children at home. Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street will steal your breath away.